Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Morning Sit Rep

Up in darkness and off to work this morning, happy enough for the opportunity. There's a crew of kids in their late teens and early twenties hustling at the Dunkin Donuts pouring, warming, packaging coffee and food for the line at the drive-thru. There's another crew of kids in their late teens and early twenties hustling in Afghanistan waking up with their rifles to the cold and one less day-and-a-wake-up saying, "USMC, Bro. U Suckers Miss Christmas". The little ones on the homefront, they know without a doubt that Santa's coming, while too many of the older ones are hoping the hell they're right and wondering just how he's going to pull it off this year. Europe is freezing and derailed and Ireland is getting reaquainted with its heritage of hard luck. It's probably not the best time to study nuclear physics in Iran either.

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